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How Anna Got back into Running again

Just wanted to share with you a really great story from Tom Beck our resident physio. Anna is in her late 40’s and came to Tom wanted to get back into running after 15 years of a sedentary lifestyle. She had a history of chronic back pain. Over 6 weeks she had 8 sessions running on our AlterG treadmill starting at 60% body weight and gradually increasing to 90% body weight. She then progressed to 2-3  runs per week outdoors with no pain. She recently completed the Mother’s Day classic with no pain at all!

Getting back to running a little later in life can be hard. Our Alter G Treadmill allows you to run at reduced gravity loads which  reduces the impact of running. This lets you concentrate on technique over a longer period before fatigue sets in and results and less soreness the following day.

More Information on the AterG Here

With the time to start training for the City to Bay nearing, we are offering a 5 visit special pack for $200 (Normal value $300)  to use our AlterG treadmill. This will help you get back up and running confidently before you start pounding the pavement.

So if you are new to running or returning from injury gives us a call on  08 82322268 and lets us help you get moving again.

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Adam Wiles

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