6 tips for buying new running shoes

So next time you’re thinking about buying new shoes consider the following; 1. Only ever buy shoes in the afternoon or immediately after exercise as your feet will be bigger or swollen 2. Take your old shoes along with you so that obvious wear patterns can be identified and taken into consideration for your next […]
High arch or low arch. Does it matter when choosing a running shoe? Adelaide Podiatrist Discusses.

No. Well, not as much as people think. For many years shoe wear companies, retailers and health professionals have been telling people to determine their foot type before choosing a running shoe. It is relevant when combined with other factors previously mentioned like injury history, foot shape and volume of training for example. Foot and […]
Hey Ladies, I recommend you wear Heels!

Over the last eight years I have treated a number of women who have sustained injuries from wearing ballet flats! The flats are out and bring in the heels! Quite often a flat shoe can increase pressure at the heel and bend the forefoot in unusual ways. This can contribute heel and forefoot pain. I […]
Why do I get corns in winter and not summer? Why are my heels cracked in summer and not winter? A West Lakes Podiatrist answers

Why do I get corns in winter and not summer? Why are my heels cracked in summer and not winter? Here are the answers: 1. Corns Unlike Callus which usually occurs first, these are much harder and a result of callused skin condensing almost to the consistency of crystal. They tend to form on the […]
What is that bump on the back of my heel? Haglund’s deformity: A common foot condition that can be managed and prevented

Haglund’s deformity: No, it isn’t a character from Harry Potter.. It is a REAL LIFE foot condition, and sometimes a very painful one! So, what is Haglund’s Deformity? It is a bony enlargement on the back of the heel; often referred to as a “pump-bump”. It is a hereditary condition, where people with certain foot structures are likely […]
Going overseas? A Podiatrist’s guide on how to keep your feet and legs healthy during a long flight

When you’re sitting upright and inactive for a long period of time, several things can happen to your legs and feet: The central blood vessels in your thighs can be compressed, making it difficult for the blood to get pumped to your heart. Leg muscles can become tense, leading to aches and pains, and can […]
Are my toes normal? A Podiatrist outlines common toe deformities; hammer toes, claw toes and mallet toes

“Are my toes normal” “Why are my toes curled” These are two common questions to a series of common toe deformities; hammer toes, claw toes and mallet toes. These deformities can happen at any or all of the toes, excluding the big toe and can exist with or without pain; depending on the severity, function […]
A Podiatrist’s guidelines to help you exercise in the correct shoe

Buying a shoe for exercise can be difficult. Walking into a sports store is like walking into a library of shoes; where exactly do you start!? Here, we can help guide you through the process of buying your next shoe, offering you handy information about the ‘dos and don’ts’ of the sport shoe retail; some […]