How Julie got back to running

Just wanted to share with you a really great story from one of our patients. Julie is in her late 40’s and came to see me wanting to get back into running after 15 years of a sedentary lifestyle. She had a history of chronic back pain. Over 6 weeks she had 8 sessions running […]

The Santos Tour Down Under 2015: An Adelaide Podiatrist talks cycling shoes

Like running shoes, the cycling shoe world has numerous types, brands, models, fits and colours to cycling shoes. And similarly they will all fit slightly different to each other. In this topic we will cover some of the bare basics to cycling shoes and their anatomy. The Anatomy:  1. Cleat –  is attached to the sole […]

Podiatry First Sports offers dry needling, West Lakes

Did you know that Podiatry First Sports offers dry needling? If you are unaware of what dry needling actually is, then read further.. What is it? Dry needling is a form of “non-injection”, where the needle is in a solid form, unlike other needles which are used to inject a fluid such as local anaesthetic […]

Prolotherapy Now Offered At Podiatry First Sports

Podiatry First Sports is now offering prolotherapy to help with the treatment of chronic pain in tendons, ligaments and joints. Prolotherapy works by increasing the strength  of tendons and ligaments by promoting new connective tissue growth. It essentially stimulates healing where an injury has become stuck  along the healing “cascade”. We can apply the therapy […]


West Lakes